referring again to your letter: and the parts of the activity, etc., i remember. jessie says i should have tried to drive the tractor, and and guess i should apologize for my stubbornness, if that's what it was. there is much i want to learn about farming, and it probably wouldn't hurt me to be able to do that ... i hope you were not disgusted with me because i refused so flatly. perhaps i should have feigned interest, though the truth would come out later and that would be more difficult ... frankness is one of my questionable qualities. i should watch myself in using it, i suppose ...
your instructions to "open with care" are unnecessary, for i open all your letters with care. you enclose so many interesting things i fully expect some day to find a live toad in one of the envelopes - but don't let me put ideas into your head.
the Comstock publishing company sen me literature about "Land for the Family" and a farm management manual, the latter for a dollar. do i want one? now that you have told me that you can provide pamphlets on subjects such as farm ponds, i don't leap before i ask. can you please tell me WHY the man has a bottle of mile in the middle of the vegetables? poetic license, i presume ...
enuf! you have work to do and i am keeping you from it.

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